
Thank you for considering Critique de Book for your review. Please review our submission policies below before you contact us.

Critique de Book is comprised of three women, two of whom are published authors, and the other is an avid pararomance reader and mother to a published author. We each like different genres, however, and your proposals will go to the one of us who finds the book most intriguing.

We accept review requests from authors and publishers for published and to-be-published books in the following genres and subgenres:

  • Romance, and all of its subgenres, except erotica, including, for instance:
    • fantasy romance
    • sci fi romance
    • paranormal romance
    • urban romance
    • historical romance
    • vampire romance
    • LGBT romance
    • YA romance 
  • Mysteries, both including and without a romance element 
  • Fantasy, including all subgenres
  • Some Science Fiction - - please inquire
  • Some Horror -- please inquire
  • We will consider other genres. 

Note that we do not want, and will give a very poor review to, any book that contains what we consider offensive content, including, but not limited to, rape for titillation, incest, bestiality, sadism, and so on. If you wouldn't want your dear old mom to read it, don't consider us as reviewers.

Also: We only accept books in print and in kindle e-book formats (including .azw, .mobi and .prc). Sorry; we do not accept PDFs under any circumstances.

The first step is an inquiry. Do not send us your book until we request it. In your inquiry email, please include the book's title, author, genre/ subgenre(s), word count, publication date, publisher, and a 50-300 word synposis (your back cover copy is perfect). Please also include in what format your book is available (print or kindle-compatible e-book - but remember that we will not accept a PDF). 

On a related note, do not send us an unedited and unpolished copy of your MS. No matter how good your story, you won't get above three stars from us if your book is riddled with errors. (And do not send multiple copies, such as an updated copy after you complete another edit. After we start reading, any further copies will be deleted.)

We will post reviews here, and on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Goodreads, Shelfari, and up to three other public locations that you identify. We will post your video trailer and social networking links if you include them in your initial inquiry.

We reserve the right to refuse to review any book. Trust me; if we decline, or you don't hear back from us within a week or two, you wouldn't like the review anyway.

Send review requests to LAURI (at) LAURIOWEN (dot) COM. 

Note: If you ignore these instructions, we will delete the materials you send us.

Review Guide:
5 stars = This is an extraordinary book - one to be read again and again. It is a treasure, and the author is a wordsmith. 

4 stars = This is a great book - hard to put down and fun to pick up. A must read.

3 stars = This is a good book, but there are one or more issues.

2 stars = The book has some good points, but the issues detract from the story to a significant degree.

1 star = This is a book that we could not connect with at all, and we likely didn't finish it, or burned it to ashes in the fireplace.

One review not enough? click here for a list of over 200 other reviewers

And one more note - one you should note:

I bet readers wonder why all of the reviews we list are three stars or higher.

Well, the truth is that if we hate the book, we simply don't publish the review. That doesn't mean that the book is "bad," however. We're all different people, and sometimes we're not going to like something that someone else would. But when we don't like it, we just don't say anything at all. After all, who wants to read a bad review? And wow - a bad review can really make an author - someone who's spent countless months writing a story - feel horrible.

So here's the bottom line: If you don't see it here, it means we either haven't been asked to review it, or we reviewed it and didn't have anything nice to say. It also means that the books we do review here are genuinely good, and worth reading. (Note: you may occasionally see a below-three review of a trending book if we think something needs said about it.)



  1. Hello Lauri
    I have tried to email you my book review request as per your instructions to but my email couldn't be delivered. Could you tell me if you are you still reviewing?

    Many thanks


    1. Hi Alan,

      I don't think submissions are being accepted any more. I have access to post reviews here on the site but no authority to change anything else, and I'm afraid I personally don't accept review requests. I wish I could be more helpful but that's all I know.
